This site of the river is located above falls and is almost unknown to fishers. Under the preliminary information, the falls are high and impassable for a salmon, therefore this top part of the river is isolated. Here meet coregonus, a pike, a perch, fish usual for 2 lakes located here - Chavangsky and Zhilin's lake. But it was not believed that here, hardly above falls and already absolutely there is no salmon and a trout, grayling. As all the same there were data. That in grids the large salmon and above falls sometimes came across. Therefore it was interesting to look most that here lives. Here Zhilin's lake does not have familiar descents to the river. Therefore on one of bogs we have failed in an unpleasant hole, is imperceptible covered with grass. Here in such situations you understand a difference between "civilised" tourism and work of local people. Instead of capitulation and a hysterics by satellite phones, they have simply extended the cross-country vehicle, again have put caterpillars, have dried up the engine.
The top site represents itself alternation of reaches and rifts in rocky coast. On reaches on a spinning perches, and on rifts came across, is frequent on very small places there was a pike. Everywhere at coast congestions мальков were visible. Trout and grayling was not, but the pike behaved practically as. Jumped out because of stones, she attacked lures and flies at the surface, jumped out of water. The pike has not bad replaced salmon fishes. On rifts more low on a current, already near to falls, I saw exits to a surface of fishes which reminded grayling and trout. But we have been already keen on approach of falls and on catching of time have not left. The falls represent a series from rocky cascades with deep holes and rifts. There was an impression that during high water the salmon can find pass upwards on the river and spawn here. Judging by a pike congestion in holes at once below falls, migration of fish in both directions here goes intensively.
As a result it is possible to tell that the river is very beautiful, movement by boats gives huge pleasure. And the most important thing - is possibility to fish on all most interesting sites of the river. Below, at a mouth we were expected by the cross-country vehicle. We have loaded things, boats and have said goodbye to the river till next summer.
Czawanga, Strelna river, salmon fishing in Russia, peche au saumon Russie,
pesca de salmon Rusia, pesca del salmon in Russia, fiske lax, lov lososu v
Rusku, fang von lachs in Russland, salmon fly
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