Wednesday 26 July 2017

Our NEW Chavanga web page and NEW Blog



Vasil Bykau

atlantic salmon, Kamchatka, fang von lachs in Russland, chavanga, kola salmon fishing, Kola Peninsula salmon tours, 

Monday 3 July 2017

Salmon fishing first weeks of 2017

       Our NEW Chavanga web page and NEW Blog



Vasil Bykau

Photo album of the Chavanga river salmon fishing trip. 
Here I will post photos that were not included in the early blog posts

  One of  our old friend  ask as to try his   old pattern from 1930 -th.  It works. 

Two Jeorges looking for comfortable pool

Pokosy camp wide pool

Big volume of slow water - the place where autumn run  salmon stay

powerfull spey, the distance is a key for success.

fresh salmon not far from the river bank

Springer, up-stream of Pantalony Pool

Small salmon hooked in the estuary

Salmon lookes like a grilse.

We prepare our boat to have more territory for fishing

Lanch time, Pokosy camp

Kelt, salmon becomes more and more silver. Next week kelts will leave the river

High water level means difficult wading and difficult casting.

Looking for best salmon pools. Cable Pol right side of the river

Autumn run salmon has purple hue, sometime intensive

Breakfast, difficult choice. Somebody don`t want meat, somebody - fish and eggs, somebody - porridge

local caribou

Eggs, sandwich and porridge  - our breackfast

Young bear is comming for the lanch

Technical problems. Mid part of the Chavanga river

I was surprised but common decision - pork is very testy

no comment

 At the beginning of a season we have to fish the most wide parts of the river where waterflow was not so strong. Salmon hooked at the river estuary

Autumn run salmon

sirver salmon

Autumn run salmons in a different colours, shape and condition

Vasil and his autumn run salmon

Clay Pool, one of the best in high water condition

Deep hole near the bank not far from the main current. The same spots were productive during all high watre period

Several salmons from one spot

The biggest pool in the mid part of the river

Cable Pool, autumn run salmon

  This line of white foam show us the dippest place where salmon stay

Dinner time

Good size salmon run away

Whare is my  extra large 3 metr x 3 metr  landind net???

Next salmon at the Clay Pool

we must trust to our flies

Left side - effective fly, right side - the best from many seasons but too small now

 Jeorge   serves as proof that salmon is everywhere

effective fly discussion

Very offen grayling activity  match with salmon activity

Here you can see the size of the river

Fresh salmons enter the river