Tuesday 15 January 2013

Salmon and fly. Some moments of salmon fishing at the Chavanga and Strelna rivers, Russsia.

Here you can see some photos, portraits of salmon. The photos were taken during the season on the rivers Chavanga and Strelna. Here you can see the flies that caught the fish. Complete catalog of interesting flies can not be created. But you can see that the flies are  completely different - on single hooks on the tubes and double hooks. If we talk not only about the hook, but to pay attention to the size or the color of the fly, we can only wonder, what is completely different flies work well at the same time in the same place! Or do not work! A lot depends on the mood of the angler. I remember what was a difficult first day on the river Strelna in August. Salmon flies confidently attacked my friends flies, and my samples were tested over the years are not interesting. For two days I have lost faith in himself and asked for help from my friend Janus. He caught salmon literally under every rock and kindly gave me his box of lures. He ties the flies himself and some of them are very original. Indeed, just a half hour I caught three salmon and 3 more off the hook. I was ready to believe in the magical power of this new fly, but once  salmon cut my tippet. I am not able to put the fish in a quiet place, salmon jumped out and broke the line. I had to get out of his pocket a box of my own flies. But something has changed in my mood or the sky. The first two casts and another fish  take off  my line from the spool. Everything fell into place,  the salmon and the flies   and my mood.

fang von lachs in Russland, fiske lax, lov lososu v Rusku, peche au saumon Russie, penisola di Kola, pesca del salmon in Russia, Pêche au saumon atlantique, salmon fishing in Russia

Thursday 10 January 2013

New salmon season in Russia!

To my surprise, many anglers ask about salmon fishing on the river Varzuga. I thought that this information is known to the world community of salmon lovers. There are old and well-known fishing camps. It turned out that many anglers do not plan to connect ourselves with fishing  in the camps. First, because of the high cost, and second, many anglers attracted by the opportunity to get acquainted with the life of the locals, try the local cuisine, bath. But the main advantage is the ability to schedule a tour, personal needs and interests. So I posted here a few photos that illustrate the fishing grounds and river scenery outside fishing camps.

Varzuga river photos

Varzuga village and Dog rapids ( Lower camp) site down stream 

Varzuga village street 

Fisherman house

Varzuga village

New cherch

Left river bank village

Our boat amn

Boat transfer to the Porokuskka fishing site

Porokushka site

Porokushka salmon

Porokushka site  in September

Lower camp

Sea papids site, down stream of village and lower camp

Sea site

Sea rapids site

Chavanga river photos

In the new season of 2013 I want to draw your attention to a few of our fishing programs. First, the focus of salmon fishing enthusiasts deserve 2 programs on the Kola Peninsula, Russia.
Program on the river Chavanga interesting, first of all, that it is quite mobile. We are not dependent on the organization of the program of extraneous factors, so we can adapt it to suit your tastes and requirements.

This refers to the organization of weeks of fishing, anglers in the composition of the team, transfers and program cost. This applies to the organization directly fishing. The rivers everywhere and always very changeable. Needs and opportunities anglers can also have changeable. We can tailor a program to your fishing needs.

Another great program for catching salmon and trout in the river carried us Strelna. Let's go a little further to the east, there appears less and less people, more completely wild. But to our surprise - quite a comfortable camp and the other in the spirit of the river.

In this program, we can identify two special weeks when there are exceptional opportunities for fishing. This is the last week of June, during which remains a great opportunity to catch salmon, but there is a rare opportunity to catch a record-sized trout. A second, very interesting period - the end of August. This is the time to go upriver large specimens of salmon. Why do they use for the migration is the end of the month, we do not know. But the biggest fish ever caught in the last week of August. Organization of the tour on the river Strelna also quite manageable transfer and value. We can accommodate your needs.

Programme of the Khabarovsk Territory on catching complicated, as always related to flying in a helicopter. But catching taimen in the river Tugur is now the only real chance to catch a huge fish. But there remains the possibility of organizing a cheap tours to other rivers.

An interesting program of catching Pacific salmon and trout and chars on the River Yama  in the Magadan region. It is known far beyond Russia's exceptionally beautiful and rich river. Unfortunately the base is closed. But there remains the possibility to use the tour with the movement of boats. Of course, this program is less comfortable, but very interesting and more affordable.

 And finally, a few words on the Kamchatka Peninsula. This is still very interesting, affordable destination. Here we can fully combine a comfortable stay with a visit to a completely wild places and rivers. This does not necessary long-distance flight by helicopter. To all the best places for a long time the roads. But if you want - you can rent a helicopter. For some anglers catching wild rainbou trout was the most exciting fishing in Kamchatka. I can agree with that. For fly fishing - char  and wild rainbow trout - an excellent degree of pleasure.
 If you have any questions or suggestions, please send in the mail. We are always happy to answer them. All the best for the new season!

fang von lachs in Russland, fiske lax, lov lososu v Rusku, peche au saumon Russie, penisola di Kola, pesca del salmon in Russia, Pêche au saumon atlantique, salmon fishing in Russia