Friday 23 March 2012

What to eat, where to sleep. Salmon trips.

                                                      Salmon fishing in Russia.

Fishers who plan to arrive to Kola peninsula for the first time, usually ask questions on where to live, what  to eat. I understand their fears. Russia is a far and terrible country. On the other hand advantage of many expensive camps in the Russian north is the arranged life. Presence of good kitchen and white napkins is discussed at forums and video films more often, than fishing.

Dis     Distinctive feature of our programs is presence of discovery elements . We use our own  mobile programs and fishers  are  not clamped by narrow frameworks of the schedule. I am not the supporter of a strict daily routine according to whom we move in a narrow circle between a lunch hall and the site appointed for today for catching. 
Once I witnessed   strange ( for me)  situation. In one of camps   the lonely fisher was  carried in  a boat under the established schedule. A breakfast, a dinner, a supper in due time. River sites according to the schedule. Any company, any changes in the schedule, any personal wishes. On the end of week – he was waited by   helicopter and good-bye. The standard program, standard service. I hope that he has learnt and has seen something new about Russian north from a helicopter window.

Nevertheless, I absolutely agree that the good kitchen and a sauna is necessary for a high-grade relaxation. Moreover, original menus can be an ornament of fishing rest. Daily sausages or fritters for a week can spoil mood to any fisher. Unfortunately, such standard menus not a rarity in the big and very known camps. 
To me happens very pleasantly when someone from our visitors undertakes preparation of the favorite dish. This not only unexpected and tasty addition to a dinner, but also joyful event for all command.  
  Therefore we try to avoid monotonous programs which quickly tyre fishers and especially organizers. Somewhat occurrence of the mixed programs is called by desire as much as possible to diversify week. The guest house on Chavanga and camp on the river Strelna are comfortable enough for residing. Here there are no excesses, the life is arranged simply enough, but with advantage. A special ornament is bath presence. Many fishers from Europe meet for the first time such phenomenon. To them it is more familiar and the usual shower, as on Strelna is habitual. But it is necessary to show a few boldness and to appreciate a charm  of sauna - baths. This year on Chavanga the shower will be equipped especially for most doubting and shy people. So our visitors     can choose that it is pleasant to them.


 Our guest house in Chavanga village. 80 m to the river bank. Wild horses.Village cherch.

  Our fishing dog Nose

 Chavanga dinner room.

  Fly tying place. Chavanga house.

Goog dinner start!

 Evening time. Autumn.

  Griled salmon. Special fish dishes by Volodia.

 Chavanga bar- sauna, wellcome, please!
Chavanga sauna - bath. Early morning in June.

 Total freedom!  Chavanga wifeless week.

Chavanga Pokosy tent camp.

 Fire palce and dinner (breakfast, dinner, supper, bar, fly tying)  table.

 Top camp and Jorge at the fire place.

 Bon appetite! Top camp. Chavanga river.

  Waders, cap, wodka, flies, where is my rod?

 Strelna camp.

 Two persons rooms.

  Dinner room. Strelna camp from helicopter window. Little Strelna village on  the White sea bank.

Salmon fishing in Russia, peche au saumon Russie, pesca de salmon Rusia, pesca del salmon in Russia, fiske lax, lov lososu v Rusku, fang von lachs in Russland

Thursday 15 March 2012

My favorite fly.

                                     My favorite salmon fly. 

                                      Salmon fishing in Russia.

     I dont remember precisely when I began to use this fly for the first time. I have noticed that the salmon actively reacts to it in 2006. In the middle of June we were fishing evenings and nights more often. At this time its not very hot as in the afternoon and fishing is more pleasant. When the sun fell low, the shade from trees fell on the water. At this time the salmon actively attacks that fly. I have thought that the effect consists of a combination of silver body and a black wing under which the accent of feather or wool in orange colour was visible. The fly is made very simply, it is necessary to have only alu tubes of the semiinch size. 
     A year later, next autumn I have recommended these flies to my collegue fisherman, who stayed for the first time with us on Chavanga river. Friends concerned with some irony as he was the beginner and was too concerned in his fishing process. Some days later everyone has been surprised of his results. In cold water silver salmons who went from the sea perfectly reacted to the fly. The parity of the caught resident and fresh fishes was obvious in favour of sea salmons. The friend has appeared the first among all members of team on number of the landed silver fishes. During this period we were fishing mainly in the afternoon. The silver body looks aggressively enough in pure water , therefore the salmon actively reacted to it.

          I began to use even more often this flies in different conditions and during the different periods of a season. It is possible to tell that it is a universal fly, moderately aggressive, moderately attractive. I want to add that most likely, this fly plays as the immitator. I have paid attention that it is often attacked by trout and grayling. It can be used for trout fishing during the whole season. I have understood not at once, why grayling during the periods rich with food reacts actively too. I have paid attention to the silhouette, size and colouring the fly very precisely simulates a minnow. A very small fish who serves as a forage for smalts, trout and grayling. Thus, two threads of crystal flash over a wing supplement a silhouette and colour scale in the most unexpected and exact way.


This is my old proven fly for summer time. In late July, and July is usually warmwater, and its level falls. It's time to the local salmon fishing in the individual wellsand shelters among the rocks. At this time, a small fly often works better than the large and bright lure. Black wings, black body. The bright orange feather elementsare replaced by a dark red color. But it retained the elements that causeaggressiveness - jungle cock feather out. Located at the tip of mular pearl color orpen color peacock. On top is crystal flash.

Chavanga, Czawanga, Strelna river, salmon fishing in Russia, peche au saumon Russie, pesca de salmon Rusia, pesca del salmon in Russia, fiske lax, lov lososu v Rusku, fang von lachs in Russland