Thursday 26 July 2012

Different age of Salmon groups. Autumn - winter - spring mix.

                                                                     Part 1

                    By the end of the first week of June in the river Chavanga the mix from salmons has collected. The first of them have entered into the river in the last autumn, the second were rather fresh spring fish who has got to the river during the period after an ice drift. Water temperature was saved at very comfortable level in 12 degrees. Thanks to it both basic groups of a salmon were active. Salmons who stood in the river in a current of winter had only small violet shade. Spring salmons had not time to lose purely silver colouring yet. But to the middle of June when water temperature has come nearer to 14-15 degrees, it became appreciable that autumn fishes quickly lose silver colour and more and more accumulate grey and brownish shades. Thanks to cold water all salmons actively reacted to flies of provoking colouring. By the end of the first week the size of hooks it was possible to reduce with 6 to 8 numbers, but still there was effective an orange colour of baits in a combination to aggressive presentation. 
              Only one surprise – Shrimp was not effective as usually, salmon want to eat something with a black wings.  Casts downstream and across with presentation near a bottom on sinking leaders (lines) were effective enough. But to the middle of the second week the period of aggressive catching has practically ended. The period of delicate catching at a surface, the period of local presentation of a fly, time of mending began.

                                                                    Part 2

The  casting technic  down and across  stream       is   effective enough. Especially this type   is popular among the European  fishers. After a cast these anglers not made  any manipulations with a line . The current straightens a line, then an leader and a tippet. The fly drifting downstream is developed on the straightened tippet and  follows downstream a line  on a diagonal traectory . It is possible to define approximately speed of movement of aflyat such technics. Sometimes on a rapid current the fly passes on a diagonal behind a cord about 25 metres of all for 5-7 seconds.  5 meters\5 second!!! At the bad casting technics  , the fly operating time is reduced about insignificant 2-3 seconds for one cycle.
 One of signs of an existing problem is that fact that the overwhelming majority of attacks occurs in the end of this movement, since the moment when the fly stops on the line that is  completely straightened downstream. There are many explanations to it, but the most real consists in that, that only during this moment the fly starts to work and involve a salmon. That is, the fly should be stopped. Proceeding from my practice, the fishers using one-hand fishing-rods, are more inclined to change of the habitual technics and is more often apply mending what to stop or brake fly movement downwards. Owners of two-handed anglers are less inclined to change technics of presentation of a fly. Though technically it is not difficult.

  Upstream mending considerably reduces speed of drift , much more increases time of effective work of a fly in water. Hence, the quantity of attacks of a salmon which ignored earlier quickly moving flies considerably increases. Especially the mending technics     upstream  is necessary for presentation of fly of the small sizes, in the conditions of low water and at catching on a current among stones when we are compelled to investigate everyone separate flow.

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