I do not know, a leah of the rights I, naming "nonconventional" I catch salmons on not salmon flies. There is one standard statement which disperses from my practice of catching and supervision over this fish. Consider that the salmon does not eat in fresh water and, of course, are perplexed concerning the reasons forcing fish in the rivers to rush on every possible baits - on flies, wobblers, lures on worms, pieces of pipes with hooks and others edible and absolutely inedible objects.
The salmon eats in fresh water of the rivers and lakes! Certainly, I will not begin to declare that the salmon eats natural food always, everywhere and without breaks for "dinner". The one who cleans salmons, usually does not look at all in a stomach. The result after all is known - slept and pure digestive organs, all is empty. But there is small, but an essential difference between "a"-trofia and «hypo»-trofia. I do not know that ichthyologists will tell, but the concept «hypo» means possible restoration of function in some conditions. These processes are well studied on a sea trout who in a month after spawning again has a silvery colouring and so on. And at the survived sucker by the spring the hook resolves, there is working teeth, silvery colour. About it wrote, and it was noticed by those to whom fish rolling down in the sea came across. Their stomachs already digest usual sedges and an other trifle, the same that we find in stomachs got on the trouts. Multimonthly break in a food at all a rarity in life of fishes.
It is impossible to look at a noble Atlantic salmon as on certain full riddles a unique person in wildlife, and to break to itself heads and hands, asking a question: «Why the salmon attacks an artificial flies?» The salmon always was and, I hope, it will be simple fish with the set of instincts which define its reflex movements at the sight of our flies, lures and other property. But while representation dominates that the salmon in the river "is not hungry, does not eat and does not search for food". For example, Malkolm Greenhalgh in articles for magazine "Fly Fishing and Fly Tying» on this basis does a conclusion about inexpediency of efforts on studying of this theme and the more so, on practical catching on similar baits. But in the same place, the paragraph more low, the author himself ascertains the facts of obvious interest of a salmon to the live insects getting to its field of vision.
Such representation about appetite of a salmon pushes us to search for a way to successful catching in area only salmon flies, salmon tactics and technics of catching. Defects of this nonflexible approach have created weight of the errors, concerning motives of behaviour of a salmon and have led to occurrence of enough ill-matched meeting of salmon flies with dim practical sense. Their classifications, and are more correct, division into groups are cogitable, if it is a question of carriers, ways are viscous also materials. Exaggerating, from someone's words, salmon flies exist, as a certain mix of impressionism with an expressionism, and reflect our purely subjective approach to business.
When I had to return to a draught copy of this article in search of objections and errors in reasonings, I have once again seen arguments of supporters of catching on salmon flies, more correctly, at first arguments in favour of salmon flies. After all "catching" concept wider and "salmon catching", "salmon" flies are entered in the settled term, certainly, organically. And so, what practical value of this variety of flies? Even if business concerns not a kind of a fly, and its variants and the styles adapted on a plan to concrete conditions of the river, it is difficult to understand, why how and when the given fly or a bait works. And a leah will work on a broader scale? There are convincing enough and detailed recommendations for choice the size, colour and some other characteristics of flies depending on a season, a water estate and so on. Really, it is possible to show change of preferences of a salmon on an example of an effective fly since spring Shrimp, big and bright in the beginning, degrading in warm water to hardly appreciable orange or red element tag or butt on flies of 12-14 sizes.
All is correct, it is the ready instruction to action. Except for a frequent variant when fish don`t want. I am assured that search of flies within the limits of these recommendations can not help. Business not only that the fly, well worked days-ones and a half, without any visible and notable changes in the nature ceases to catch. And not that your found confidential weapon suddenly on 100 % not similar that a companion, as most "terrible" has stretched for today you a fly. Simply there is all no considering templates-schemes of behaviour of fish. Someone puts in head presence of a thermometer and own growth, as a depth measure. Others see a basis of success in ability to estimate speed of water and its colour, putting temperature on last place among factors of a choice of a fly, a place and catching tactics. Therefore for me there was no unexpected a problem with a choice of the salmon fly, become before mentioned above "pure" salmon fisherman, described by him on pages of fishing magazine. And a logical exit it seems reception of its more skilled colleague which the ten the flies has picked up, 10 metres of a small reach everyone for. But also at the master selection of effective flies passed empirically. It has occupied years, and criteria of selection remained are not clear.

Czawanga, Strelna river, salmon fishing in Russia, peche au saumon Russie,
pesca de salmon Rusia, pesca del salmon in Russia, fiske lax, lov lososu v
Rusku, fang von lachs in Russland, salmon fly
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