Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Giant Hucho taimen program.

       Our NEW Chavanga web page and NEW Blog



Vasil Bykau

We offer 2 options of fishing trips for the largest taimen all  over the world.  Khabarovsk region. The river  Tugur and the river Bichy.

Common information

Fish population is an   mixture of Siberian, Amur and the Pacific fish. Taimen, siberian trouts - lenoks and two species of pikes - Lena, Amur pike, Hadar and Amur grayling are the most interesting for sport fishing.     Pacific salmon - chum and pink salmon  come, coho and sockeye salmon too. There is also a char-Malma.
Tugur - a special river, unique river ,  it  is probably   the best for biggest  Hucho   taimen all over  the world. River  is well protected, here you can catch a spinning and fly fishing. Each group catches record taimen weighing 40 kg. We can take on Tugur limited number of fishermen. This is a special expensive tour for the fishing  for a record Hucho taimen. There are authentic data on capture here fishes in weight in 70 and even 95 kgs
Bichy  is   smaller in size and it is more convenient to catch taimen and salmon on fly fishing . Giant taimens  are less common here , the normal maximum size of trout less than 30 kg  but its possible to land a lot of 20-25 kg taimens. This is the most comfortable fly fishing taimen trip.


The best time for taimen  fishing is  June and early July, the second half of September, beginning of October.

Fishing organization

Rafting starts   according    water level and the wishes of fishermen. Tour duration is 9/6 days. The optimum period is  seven days rafting and 6+ full days fishing. The length of the   rafting route    could be 80 or  120 km.  
The alloy is carried out on four to six   rafting boats "RAFTMASTER" under the management of experienced rangers at the rate of two or three anglers and one keeper on raft. Rafts equipped with a rigid frame with hinged oars, so our customers are taking up the oars only in passing difficult sections of the river. Rafts equipped with lifejackets. At the request of the group is accompanied with a motor boat for a mobile moving river. Equipment and things are going in a separate Raft.
The main fishing – during stops   at the interesting  sites of the river, but also on the alloy anglers do not lose time.  The group swims from 10 to 12 km per day, with a break for lunch and stayed in a beautiful and easy-to fishing spots.

Basic quantity of rods – 6 rods. 
We could organize  max to 8 rods team  trip.
We  have near 6 hours of  helicopter flights to and back.
            One hour helicopter flight costs 120 000 (2013year) Rur  =  3750 $.(included)
            MI8 is a big one, no problem with luggage weight.
But you will have airplane luggage limit  about 20  kg\rod (Moscow - Habarovsk

           Short Tour description.

1 day - Arrival in Khabarovsk. Meeting at the airport, loading the bus, shopping,  
            departure to Briakan village (680 km are gravel road 280)
 2 day – arriving to the Village Briakan,   flight by helicopter (duration 1:20),
            landing on the        river, camp,   fishing
3-8 days  - beginning of the alloy, fishing,
9 day - flight by helicopter (duration 1:30 ) to Briakan village,
            bus transfer to the Habarovsk, hotel
10 day - back flight


Wake up at 7.00 am
Breakfast at 8:00 am
9.00   fishing
lunch from 13 to 15
stop for the night, a camp 18.30
Dinner 21.00


Tents  (double and four persons tents, two rooms tents) 4-person tents for two people
Summer dining room, mats
Satellite  phone
Solar   Battery.


The head of the alloy.
Guide (one raft).

Meals 3 times a day.


One rod price is- price goes down  to 3500 euro according Ruble/ Dollar exchange rates!!!

    $   for Bichy trip
    $   for Tugur river trip.

The price includes:

-Meeting - off in Khabarovsk.
-Transfer Khabarovsk - Briakan - Khabarovsk.
-Helicopter flight  Briakan – river Tugur   or  Bichy -   Briakan.
-Rafts, life jackets  and emptied of bivouac equipment (tents, mats, ets).
-Cook service
-Three hot meals a day.

The price does not include:

Flights to Khabarovsk.
Habarovsk hotel 
 Alcoholic beverages.

Clothing and equipment:

Waterproof bags for the transport and storage on an alloy.
 Sleeping bag.
Waders (waders) with shoes on felt soles.
 Membrane fabric jacket in case of rain.
Thermal underwear and a warm set of pants with a jacket of Polartec material or Windbloc.
 The camera in a sealed box and nesminaemom.
 Personal first aid kit, personal hygiene.
 Mosquito net or spray
 Polarized glasses.

You need vaccination (encephalitis).

Here  are articles about Hucho taimen fishing  at habarovsk region.


Habarovsk region  Climat Month Temperatures

January -            -04/-10C                  (24/14)

February -          -05/-11C                  (23/12F)

March -              -02/-10C                  (28/14F)

April -                -05 / + 01C              (23/33F)

May                  + 02 / + 08C             (35/46F)

June                 + 06 / + 15C              (42/59F)

July                  + 10 / + 20C              (50/68F)

August              + 12 / + 20C             (53/68F)

September         + 08 / + 15C                         (46/59F)

October             +07/-0C                    (44/32F)

November          -04/-0C                    (24/32F)

December          -04/-15C                  (24/16F)

How to get here.

Your destination is Habarovsk  Airport, 

Information about flights, airlines and prices you will find on the following sites:

“Transaero” airline: http://www.transaero.ru/en/index.html

“Vladavia” airline: http://www.vladavia.ru/en/passengers/

“Rossiya Airlines”: http://www.pulkovo.ru/en/
“Aeroflot” company: http://www.aeroflot.ru/eng/ 

                      Here  are articles about Hucho taimen fishing  at habarovsk region.



  1. please take care of the taimen, many photos show very poor handling that is harmful to the fish. Your taimen are your country's treasure, there are no more of them, no where else in world. If you do not handle them with respect and care you will kill them. Then there will be no more big taimen, none for future generations, and none for you to catch either.

  2. I'm excited to explore the new Chavanga web page and blog.
