Saturday 28 June 2014

End of may, positive outlook.

                                      Salmon fishing in Russia, beginning of a season.

By the end of May, the water level in the rivers of Kola peninsula  was still unusually high. But the temperature rose to 6 degrees. It was warm, we fished dressed in a simple shirt. On the background of ice floes it looked strange. Salmon among the most active at this time were the Kelts, who spawn in the fall and getting ready to go to sea. They took their places on the reaches with a steady flow. We did not have much interest in catching the kelts. But the size of some fish  was impressive. The bulk of the catch were autumn salmon with purple backs. Their weight ranged from 2.8 - 3.5 kg. It was interesting to observe the hunting trouts. Sea trouts and local broun  trout suit entire presentation with jumping, hunting smolts, buyout migrated along the river. But the main part of the prey   were the pink salmon fries   that in a  huge number swam in the sea downstream.

Still most catchability flies were large products using hard fur, mostly bright orange color. 
Additive color flash heightened attractiveness of bait. The result was a 6-7 centimeter aggressive lure provoking salmon with slow  presentation at the bottom.

High water quickly freed from the banks of the river ice. Many places on the river became available for fishing. The first mapping was Cable  pool and Pokosy  Camp. Enter deep into  the water and cast the line was still difficult, but the speed of the river is allowed to  present the fly correctly . In the last days of May, the water level started to drop by 20-25 cm per day. Water has become noticeably cleaner and this has led to increased activity of salmon. Everything we had hoped that the first week of June will be a truly prime week of salmon season.

fang von lachs in Russland, fiske lax, lov lososu v Rusku, pesca peninsola di Kola, Pêche au saumon atlantique, 

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