Tuesday 19 February 2013

Kola river. Part 3 salmon fishing. NEWS!!!!!!!!

Kola river. Part 3 salmon fishing. It is not as expensive as it is.

We again began to receive questions about the possibility of catching  section 3 of the river Kola. We are happy to inform you  that we   manage Kola River since 2003  and will do it  during future years. We want to offer you  a  new   plan of cooperation with comfortable Karawella hotel located directly at the bank of the best part of Kola- 3 site.   

No one can speak of the exclusive rights to this section of the river. 

The owner of the river - is  Murmansk.Ryb.Vod.- goverment organization.

 There is a verbal agreement between the parties, who are engaged in the fishing business organization, whether to use different parts of the river, not to create large clusters of fishermen. Valid license KOLA - 3 gives you the right to catch salmon in any part of the river, including all pools near Deer Camp. KOla 3 part has about 40 km in length. The main KOla part-3 lyes below the confluence with the river Kitsa,   all the main pools, including the famous Monica pool, located downstream   and accessible to anglers. The cost of the week salmon fishing in June prime time for Kole-3 with a stay at the Carawella hotel at the point of Kola and Kitsa rivers junction., -is 1,850 euros. 

For your disposition - salmon fishing area of the Kola river, from Kitsa river conection -Joint Pool, Gold Pool, Sirius, Pomp, Loparskaja, Air Bridge, Cementary, No Name Pool, Monica, Tube, Mirrow and to the Salmon Net Pool. 

Maximum quota Kola -3 will be about 20 licenses a day. The owner of the river - Murmansk.Ryb.Vod. We have contracted 12 licenses of this amount. 


 The last few years, some anglers interest on fishing  at the Kola River, which flows near the city of Murmansk. River Kola got its reputation for big salmon, which comes into the river. There are benefits to be found in a relatively convenient location of the river, near the airport. This greatly simplifies the way to the river. There are also disadvantages. These include extremely high fishing pressure, which is associated with narrow-located for the big city. You can also note the extremely irregular running salmon and unpredictable fishing results. But the chance to catch a very large salmon is worth it to try and catch him.
           Here below you can find a brief information on the organization of such tours. We can do a combined tour. You can visit some of the rivers - for example - the River Kola and then go fishing  to Kitsa or Ura. This is also a beautiful river.
         One of the advantages of the site Kola - 3 is that you are invited to catch the lower part of the site. Its length is 17 kilometers. The fising site  starts from the Joint Pool at the confluence of the Kola and Kitsa. Salmon of two rivers run and stop to stay in this part of the river. Located above the merger section of the river is dependent on the movement of only one river  population of salmon. Therefore, it is much more susceptible to the adverse effects of the weather or the state of the river.
         Licenses for salmon fishing on our site removed from the public and are available only anglers who have issued a fishing holiday with a stay at the Caravelle hotel. This change also has its positive and negative sides. First of all, this has led to an increase in the price of fishing tour and to reduce the number of fishermen in the area Kola 3.
       Here are photos from the three rivers, which you can visit on the tour - the Kola river, Kitsa and Urа.

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